Term of use
Epicentre was founded in 1987 by Médecins sans frontières (www.msf.fr) and is a nonprofit association in compliance with French law and particularly with the provisions of the law dated 1 July 1901.
Registered office:
14-34 Avenue Jean Jaurès
75019 Paris
Tel : +33 (0)1 40 21 55 55
Fax : +33 (0)1 40 21 55 00
Director / Responsible for the publication
Dr Emmanuel Baron: Executive Director
Web hosting
The www.epicentre.msf.org site is hosted by:
Claranet - Typhon - Hébergement & Infogérance
18, rue Faubourg du Temple 75011 Paris
Tel : +33 (0) 1 70 616 616
Concept and implementation
Eurelis - https://www.eurelis.com
Immeuble Jean Monnet - 11 place des Vosges
92400 Courbevoie
Téléphone : +33 (0)1 49 97 20 20
Condition for use
Use of this website constitutes acceptance of the conditions mentioned below:
Epicentre reserves the right to instigate legal proceedings for violation of the terms of use, in particular in case where right relating to information, graphic content, texts, videos, audio files, photos and images and all things related to the contents of the website in general.
Copyrights and intellectual property
In accordance with French Legislation on Intellectual Property, and, more generally, international treaties and agreements containing provision related to the protection of copyright, any whole or partial reproduction for any use other than private use, but also the sale, distribution, broadcasting, adaptation, modification, publication, and communication in whatever form, data, the presentation or organization of the site is strictly prohibited without prior written authorization of Epicentre ©.
Reliability of information
We reserve the right to modify the information contained in this page; both to meet the standards imposed by the legislation but also because our site and our services evolve continuously. Please refer to this page from time to time for information that may change.
We make every effort to ensure the reliability of information contained on this website.
However, if information seems inaccurate, you can report it:
- By letter: Epicentre – 14-34 Avenue Jean Jaurès, 75019 Paris
- By the contact form
Epicentre would like to thank all photographers who contributed to the content of the site.