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Shifting to Tele-Mental Health in humanitarian and crisis settings: an evaluation of Médecins Sans Frontières experience during the COVID-19 pandemic.


BACKGROUND: 'Tele-Mental Health (MH) services,' are an increasingly important way to expand care to underserved groups in low-resource settings.

Ibragimov K Palma M Keane G Ousley J Crowe M Carreño C Casas G Mills C Llosa A
Conflict and health 2022 Feb 14; 16(1); 6. doi: 10.1186/s13031-022-00437-1. Epub 2022 02 14
MHPSS Remote mental health Tele-counselling Tele-mental health Telepsychiatry

Cervical cancer screening coverage and its related knowledge in southern Malawi.


BACKGROUND: Cervical cancer (CC) is the fourth most common cancer among women worldwide and Malawi has the world's highest rate of cervical cancer related mortality.

Gerstl S Lee L Nesbitt RC Mambula C Sugianto H Phiri T Kachingwe J Llosa AE
BMC public health 2022 Feb 14; 22(1); 295. doi: 10.1186/s12889-022-12547-9. Epub 2022 02 14
Barriers Cervical cancer Cervical cancer screening Coverage survey Cross sectional study Health behaviours Knowledge and attitude Malawi Precancerous lesions Reproductive health

Feasibility of a randomized clinical trial evaluating a community intervention for household tuberculosis child contact management in Cameroon and Uganda.


BACKGROUND: One of the main barriers of the management of household tuberculosis child contacts is the necessity for parents to bring healthy children to the facility.

Vasiliu A Tiendrebeogo G Awolu MM Akatukwasa C Tchakounte BY Ssekyanzi B Tchounga BK Atwine D Casenghi M Bonnet M
Pilot and feasibility studies 2022 Feb 11; 8(1); 39. doi: 10.1186/s40814-022-00996-3. Epub 2022 02 11
Acceptability Active contact investigation Cluster randomized trial Community intervention Complex intervention Feasibility Mixed methods Pediatric tuberculosis Tuberculosis preventive therapy Tuberculosis screening

Safety of treatment regimens containing bedaquiline and delamanid in the endTB cohort.


RATIONALE: Safety of treatment for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR/RR-TB) can be an obstacle to treatment completion.

Hewison C Khan U Bastard M Lachenal N Coutisson S Osso E Ahmed S Khan P Franke MF Rich ML Varaine F Melikyan N Seung KJ Adenov M Adnan S Danielyan N Islam S Janmohamed A Karakozian H Kimenye MK Kirakosyan O Kholikulov B Krisnanda A Kumsa A Leblanc G Lecca L Nkuebe M Mamsa S Padayachee S Thit P Mitnick CD Huerga H
Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2022 Jan 13; doi: 10.1093/cid/ciac019. Epub 2022 01 13
MDR-TB QT prolongation adverse events linezolid new drugs

A cross-sectional analysis of mental health disorders in a mental health services-seeking population of children, adolescents, and young adults in the context of ongoing violence and displacement in northern Cameroon.


BACKGROUND: Displacement and conflict exposure are known risk factors for mental health conditions. Here, we examine the mental health of youth in a conflict-affected region of Cameroon.

Djatche JM Herrington OD Nzebou D Galusha D Boum Y Hassan S
Comprehensive psychiatry 2021 Dec 20; 113 152293. doi: 10.1016/j.comppsych.2021.152293. Epub 2021 12 20
Adolescents Anxiety Children Internally displaced persons Refugees Sub-Saharan Africa

Prenatal supplementation with multiple micronutrient supplements or medium-quantity lipid-based nutrient supplements has limited effects on child growth up to 24 months in rural Niger: a secondary analysis of a cluster randomized trial.


BACKGROUND: Prenatal multiple micronutrient supplementation (MMS) and lipid-based nutrient supplementation (LNS) can improve birth outcomes relative to iron-folic acid supplementation (IFA); however, effects on child postnatal growth r

Bliznashka L Sudfeld CR Garba S Guindo O Soumana I Adehossi I Langendorf C Grais RF Isanaka S
The American journal of clinical nutrition 2021 Dec 06; doi: 10.1093/ajcn/nqab404. Epub 2021 12 06
Niger child growth lipid-based nutrient supplements multiple micronutrient supplementation prenatal supplementation

Internalized stigma, depressive symptoms, and the modifying role of antiretroviral therapy: A cohort study in rural Uganda.


Depression affects over 40% of people with HIV (PHIV) in low- and middle-income countries, and over half of PHIV report HIV-related internalized stigma.

Bebell LM Kembabazi A Musinguzi N Martin JN Hunt PW Boum Y O'Laughlin KN Muzoora C Haberer JE Bwana MB Bangsberg DR Siedner MJ Tsai AC
SSM. Mental health 2021 Dec ; 1; . doi: 10.1016/j.ssmmh.2021.100034. Epub 2021 10 20
Antiretroviral therapy Depression Discrimination HIV Mental health Prejudice Stigma Sub-saharan africa Uganda