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Cutaneous larva migrans in early infancy: A Ugandan case report.


Helminths are an important cause of worm infestation in low-income countries. The majority spread with soil to skin contact. In unusual patients presenting below 1 year, treatment can be challenging.

Muwanguzi E Kayiira M Kasozi D Kigozi E
Clinical case reports 2021 Nov ; 9(11); e05080. doi: 10.1002/ccr3.5080. Epub 2021 11 12
Uganda cutaneous larva migrans infancy topical albendazole

Prevalence of malaria in an area receiving seasonal malaria chemoprevention in Niger.


BACKGROUND: Malaria transmission is highly seasonal in Niger.

Coldiron ME Assao B Guindo O Sayinzoga-Makombe N Koscalova A Sterk E Quere M Ciglenecki I Mumina A Atti S Langendorf C Grais RF
Malaria journal 2021 Oct 24; 20(1); 419. doi: 10.1186/s12936-021-03953-2. Epub 2021 10 24
Malaria Niger Seasonal malaria chemoprevention

Two-fold increase in the HIV viral load suppression rate along with decreased incidence over six years in Ndhiwa sub-county, Kenya.


BACKGROUND: HIV-positive individuals who maintain an undetectable viral load cannot transmit the virus to others.

Conan N Badawi M Chihana ML Wanjala S Kingwara L Mambula C Ngugi C Okomo G Opollo V Salumu L Nesbitt R Szumilin E Huerga H
Tropical medicine & international health : TM & IH 2021 Oct 12; doi: 10.1111/tmi.13688. Epub 2021 10 12
ART HIV care HIV diagnosis incidence prevalence viral load

Conceptualizing factors impacting nutrition services coverage of treatment for acute malnutrition in children – an application of the Three Delays Model in Niger


OBJECTIVE: The Three Delays Model is a conceptual model traditionally used to understand contributing factors of maternal mortality.

Kodish SR Allen BGS Salou H Schwendler TR Isanaka S
Public health nutrition 2021 Oct 08; 1-21. doi: 10.1017/S1368980021004286. Epub 2021 10 08
Community-based management of acute malnutrition Rural Niger Severe acute malnutrition Three Delays Model

Evaluating newly approved drugs for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (endTB): study protocol for an adaptive, multi-country randomized controlled trial.


BACKGROUND: Treatment of multidrug- and rifampin-resistant tuberculosis (MDR/RR-TB) is expensive, labour-intensive, and associated with substantial adverse events and poor outcomes.

Guglielmetti L Ardizzoni E Atger M Baudin E Berikova E Bonnet M Chang E Cloez S Coit JM Cox V de Jong BC Delifer C Do JM Tozzi DDS Ducher V Ferlazzo G Gouillou M Khan A Khan U Lachenal N LaHood AN Lecca L Mazmanian M McIlleron H Moschioni M O'Brien K Okunbor O Oyewusi L Panda S Patil SB Phillips PPJ Pichon L Rupasinghe P Rich ML Saluhuddin N Seung KJ Tamirat M Trippa L Cellamare M Velásquez GE Wasserman S Zimetbaum PJ Varaine F Mitnick CD
Trials 2021 Sep 25; 22(1); 651. doi: 10.1186/s13063-021-05491-3. Epub 2021 09 25
Bayesian adaptive randomization Bedaquiline Clofazimine Delamanid Fluoroquinolone Linezolid MDR-TB Non-inferiority Pyrazinamide Rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis Rifampin-resistant tuberculosis Treatment shortening

Exploring the relationships between wasting and stunting among a cohort of children under two years of age in Niger.


BACKGROUND: Wasting and stunting, physical growth manifestations of child undernutrition, have historically been considered separately with distinct interventions at the program, policy, and financing levels despite similar risk factor

Kohlmann K Sudfeld CR Garba S Guindo O Grais RF Isanaka S
BMC public health 2021 Sep 21; 21(1); 1713. doi: 10.1186/s12889-021-11689-6. Epub 2021 09 21
Child Concurrence Growth Niger Stunting Undernutrition Wasting

The relationship between wasting and stunting in young children: A systematic review.


In 2014, the Emergency Nutrition Network published a report on the relationship between wasting and stunting.

Thurstans S Sessions N Dolan C Sadler K Cichon B Isanaka S Roberfroid D Stobaugh H Webb P Khara T
Maternal & child nutrition 2021 Sep 05; e13246. doi: 10.1111/mcn.13246. Epub 2021 09 05
child growth infectious disease international child health nutrition malnutrition stunting wasting

An exploratory qualitative study of caregivers' knowledge, perceptions and practices related to hospital hygiene in rural Niger.


Background: The risk of healthcare-associated infections is exacerbated by poor hygiene practices in health care facilities and can contribute to increased patient morbidity and mortality.

Marquer C Guindo O Mahamadou I Job E Rattigan SM Langendorf C Grais RF Isanaka S
Infection prevention in practice 2021 Sep ; 3(3); 100160. doi: 10.1016/j.infpip.2021.100160. Epub 2021 07 03
Caregiver knowledge Hospital Hygiene Niger Qualitative Severe acute malnutrition